The display case at Town Hall is available for community-based displays. Contact the Boston Town Clerk at 941-6113 extension 0 (zero) or email [email protected] for more details and to request a display. Here are some of the previous displays and the groups that made them:
December - Karl Simmeth - Matchbox Car Collection
Karl has collected Matchbox cars for quite some time too!
December - Karl Simmeth - Matchbox Car Collection
Karl has collected Matchbox cars for quite some time too!
October - CAC - Beauty of Boston
During the annual LEAF event, residents entered pictures in a contest. These are the pictures!
October - CAC - Beauty of Boston
During the annual LEAF event, residents entered pictures in a contest. These are the pictures!
June - Karl Simmeth - Hess
Karl has collected Hess trucks for quite some time!
June - Karl Simmeth - Hess
Karl has collected Hess trucks for quite some time!
April - Kirk Klein - Boston Living
Kirk is a lifetime resident of Boston and shared mementos from his youth. He graduated from Boston Valley School and participated in a number of sports programs as he grew up. The sports books were his reading material during that time, and he's shared a number of his class pictures and awards he earned during his youth.
April - Kirk Klein - Boston Living
Kirk is a lifetime resident of Boston and shared mementos from his youth. He graduated from Boston Valley School and participated in a number of sports programs as he grew up. The sports books were his reading material during that time, and he's shared a number of his class pictures and awards he earned during his youth.
July - Boston Lions Club - 50 year Anniversary
July - Boston Lions Club - 50 year Anniversary
May - Boston Veterans of Foreign War Post
May - Boston Veterans of Foreign War Post
June - Boy Scout Troop 491
June - Boy Scout Troop 491
April - Boston Historical Society
April - Boston Historical Society
September - Updated 219/Meadow Drive plan
September - Updated 219/Meadow Drive plan
June - Boston Boy Scout Troop 491
June - Boston Boy Scout Troop 491
March - Town Historian
March - Town Historian
February - 219/Meadow Drive and Deanna Drive development plans
February - 219/Meadow Drive and Deanna Drive development plans
March - Boston Town Band
June - Boy Scout Troop 491
September through November - Keith Kaszubik
February & March - Meals on Wheels for WNY
May - Churchill Child Center, 3 year nursery class
June - Boy Scout Troop 491
October - North Boston Fire Company
November - Boston Emergency Squad
December - Churchill Child Center
May - Patchin Ladies Auxiliary
June - Boy Scout Troop 491
September - Boston Emergency Squad
October - Boston Lions Club
November through December - Boston Historical Society
March - Boston Town Band
June - Boy Scout Troop 491
September through November - Keith Kaszubik
February & March - Meals on Wheels for WNY
May - Churchill Child Center, 3 year nursery class
June - Boy Scout Troop 491
October - North Boston Fire Company
November - Boston Emergency Squad
December - Churchill Child Center
May - Patchin Ladies Auxiliary
June - Boy Scout Troop 491
September - Boston Emergency Squad
October - Boston Lions Club
November through December - Boston Historical Society
2012 May - Boston EMS
2012 April - Historical Society
2012 February and March - Boston Youth Baseball
2011 May - Ten Lives Club
2011 February thru April - Boston Youth Baseball
Boston Youth Baseball would like to thank our 2011 sponsors. Many of them have sponsored our teams for years. This is just a small token of our appreciation of what you do for Boston Youth Baseball.
Boston Youth Baseball would like to thank our 2011 sponsors. Many of them have sponsored our teams for years. This is just a small token of our appreciation of what you do for Boston Youth Baseball.
2010 October - Boston EMS
2010 August - Boston Summer Recreation
Campers are kept busy at Boston Recreation Day Camp! Arts & Crafts is only one of the many daily activities taking place. Some of the
other activities include: basketball, soccer and kickball games, nature walks, theme days, weekly field trips, frolf, can jam, quiet games, swimming, and weekly trips to the Boston Free Library. Tennis lessons, Red Cross Swimming lessons, Red Cross Babysitting Training, and a First Aid course are also available.
Campers are kept busy at Boston Recreation Day Camp! Arts & Crafts is only one of the many daily activities taking place. Some of the
other activities include: basketball, soccer and kickball games, nature walks, theme days, weekly field trips, frolf, can jam, quiet games, swimming, and weekly trips to the Boston Free Library. Tennis lessons, Red Cross Swimming lessons, Red Cross Babysitting Training, and a First Aid course are also available.
2010 July - Colden Elementary School Project by 4th and 5th grade students.
In order to acknowledge Colden's upcoming September Bicentennial celebration, the Colden Elementary fourth and fifth grade students were asked to prepare a local history project. They could choose to research the history of their town, their house and property or interview a senior citizen. Because many of our students live in Boston, they used the history of their community and the people living there. Every project was individual and personal to each student and they were intrigued to learn about their chosen subjects, develop and finally present the projects to their classmates. Sharing their efforts with the town of Boston seemed like the next logical step, so some projects are displayed in the Boston Town Hall for the community's enjoyment.
In order to acknowledge Colden's upcoming September Bicentennial celebration, the Colden Elementary fourth and fifth grade students were asked to prepare a local history project. They could choose to research the history of their town, their house and property or interview a senior citizen. Because many of our students live in Boston, they used the history of their community and the people living there. Every project was individual and personal to each student and they were intrigued to learn about their chosen subjects, develop and finally present the projects to their classmates. Sharing their efforts with the town of Boston seemed like the next logical step, so some projects are displayed in the Boston Town Hall for the community's enjoyment.
2010 June - Flag Day
Boston 's Boy Scout Troop 491, celebrating 100 years of Scouting, presented this year's Flag Day Celebration on Monday, June 14, 2010 from 7:00pm-8:30pm at the Lions Shelter. The community paid tributes to our United States flag, which has always been the symbol of peace and freedom around the world. Entertainment was provided by Lake Effect Harmony.
Boston 's Boy Scout Troop 491, celebrating 100 years of Scouting, presented this year's Flag Day Celebration on Monday, June 14, 2010 from 7:00pm-8:30pm at the Lions Shelter. The community paid tributes to our United States flag, which has always been the symbol of peace and freedom around the world. Entertainment was provided by Lake Effect Harmony.
2010 May - Nick Charlap's Ice Cream
For the month of May 2010, Boston Town Historian Keith Kaszubik presented a display at the town hall entitled "The Inside Scoop on Nick Charlap's Ice Cream." The intention was to mark the beginning of the 50th year of service to our community by the Charlap's family. In May 1961 Henry Charlap, along with his father Nicholas, his uncle Leo Mrugala, and his brother-in-law Louis Fronczak, purchased Duggan's Dairy in North Boston, renamed Charlap's Dairy Farms in the mid 1960s. The business is now owned by Henry's son Nicholas. A stop for ice cream in the summertime at Charlap's has always been a special treat for everyone!
For the month of May 2010, Boston Town Historian Keith Kaszubik presented a display at the town hall entitled "The Inside Scoop on Nick Charlap's Ice Cream." The intention was to mark the beginning of the 50th year of service to our community by the Charlap's family. In May 1961 Henry Charlap, along with his father Nicholas, his uncle Leo Mrugala, and his brother-in-law Louis Fronczak, purchased Duggan's Dairy in North Boston, renamed Charlap's Dairy Farms in the mid 1960s. The business is now owned by Henry's son Nicholas. A stop for ice cream in the summertime at Charlap's has always been a special treat for everyone!