Senior Groups
Boston Seniors - meet in the community room, located on the lower level of the Boston Town Hall, every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 1:00pm. Call Bill Davis for details! 422-9095
Boston Young at Heart - meet in the community room, located on the lower level of the Boston Town Hall, every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 1:30pm. Call Carolyn Latosinski for details! 941-6490
Meals on Wheels for WNY
Volunteer drivers and servers always needed, 1 hour or less per day. Please contact 822-2002 ext. 21
Rural Transit Services
Volunteer drivers are needed, please call 662-8378. Click or tap here for more information
NYS Stay Fit Dining Program
Boston Nutrition hosts lunch for Seniors age 60+, regardless of income, in the community room, located on the lower level of the Boston Town Hall, Monday - Friday at noon (no holidays). The suggested donation for seniors 60 and over is $3.00, add a bottomless cup of coffee or tea is free. A senior may bring a guest 59 or under for just $6.00.
After-lunch activities include cards Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. You need not be a Town of Boston Resident to attend, however you do need to call by Thursday to reserve your lunch for the following week.
Contact: Theresa Horschel or Sharon Bulger or Lori Valentine 941-5773
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
For County info
Click or tap here to go to the Erie County Senior Services website
Boston Seniors - meet in the community room, located on the lower level of the Boston Town Hall, every 1st and 3rd Friday of the month at 1:00pm. Call Bill Davis for details! 422-9095
Boston Young at Heart - meet in the community room, located on the lower level of the Boston Town Hall, every 2nd and 4th Friday of the month at 1:30pm. Call Carolyn Latosinski for details! 941-6490
Meals on Wheels for WNY
Volunteer drivers and servers always needed, 1 hour or less per day. Please contact 822-2002 ext. 21
Rural Transit Services
Volunteer drivers are needed, please call 662-8378. Click or tap here for more information
NYS Stay Fit Dining Program
Boston Nutrition hosts lunch for Seniors age 60+, regardless of income, in the community room, located on the lower level of the Boston Town Hall, Monday - Friday at noon (no holidays). The suggested donation for seniors 60 and over is $3.00, add a bottomless cup of coffee or tea is free. A senior may bring a guest 59 or under for just $6.00.
After-lunch activities include cards Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday. You need not be a Town of Boston Resident to attend, however you do need to call by Thursday to reserve your lunch for the following week.
Contact: Theresa Horschel or Sharon Bulger or Lori Valentine 941-5773
Monday - Friday, 8:30 AM - 12:30 PM
For County info
Click or tap here to go to the Erie County Senior Services website